During the Qing Dynasty, there lived a young provincial commander named Yang Xiaolian. His mother had been suffering from a serious cough and bronchial ailment, and he searched high and low to find a cure. Finally, he met a famous Chinese physician who gave him a secret formula for a cough syrup that helped to cure his mother.
Years later, before passing away, Yang Xiaolian’s mother told him to reproduce this magical cough syrup and make it available to everyone. He named it Nin Jiom, which means “in memory of my mother”. From this story came the inspiration for the Nin Jiom logo which stresses the important virtue of filial piety.
Thereafter, in order to avoid the escalating war, Yang’s descendants moved across the border to Hong Kong and entrusted the business to Mr. Tse Siu Bong. In 1946, Mr. Tse founded Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory (Hong Kong) Limited in Hong Kong, prospered the business, then went on to research and develop a wide range of quality products.