Organic Whole Brown Flax Seeds · 454 g

Gold Top OrganicsSKU: GOL|OR|625070005504



Gold Top Organics' Brown Flax Seeds are:

  • made from the highest quality organic seeds grown in Western Canada
  • free of genetically modified organisms (GMO)
  • of the total fat content, more than 54% is alpha-linolenic acids; an industry leader
  • gluten and trans fat-free
  • manufactured in a peanut-free and kosher approved facility

How To Use

  • sprinkle seeds over salads, baked goods, cereals, and favourite meals
  • add to yogurt, smoothies, and shakes

Why use this product?

Flax has a generous amount of soluble and insoluble fibres and omega-3 fatty acids. Whole flax seeds may help with managing:

  • digestion
  • constipation
  • cholesterol levels
  • blood sugar levels

Omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in flax, have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, inflammation, some cancers, and autoimmune disorders.

The whole flax seeds can add texture to baked goods.  

    Background Info

    Flax seed, also known as linseed, is noted to have high nutritional value. in particular, flax seeds contain a high content of alpha-linolenic fatty acids (an essential omega-3 fatty acid) and fibre. In fact, more than 70% of fat in flax is of the healthful polyunsaturated type. A unique feature of flax is the high ratio of alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) to linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).

    Studies of hunter-gatherer populations show their diets contained roughly equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Part of the reason fats and oils have earned such a bad reputation is because people eat too much fat, particularly too much saturated and trans fat. Trans fats and saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Currently, researchers and nutrition experts recommend people replace some omega-6 fatty acids in their diet with omega-3 fatty acids like those found in flax. 

    Furthermore, flax seeds contain generous quantities of both soluble and insoluble fibres. These fibres also help in regulating cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, and digestion.

    Therefore, flax seed with its high nutritional value becomes a priority choice of food for health conscious people. Flax seed has the natural properties of fibre, lignans and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that provide preventative and restorative abilities to your diet. Even though flax seed has been around since the dawn of civilization, it is more recently that mainstream society is beginning to understand its relevance to a healthy life. Nutritionists, physicians, and health conscious individuals have seen health benefits.

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